List of keywords in C Language
Explanation of keywords
1. auto:
declare a local
2. do: looping
3. goto: jump
to a different part of the program.
4. signed: modify
variable type declarations.
5. unsigned: modify
variable type declarations.
6. break: break
out of a loop
7. double: declare
a double precision floating-point variable.
8. if: execute
code based off of the result of a test.
9. sizeof: return
the size of a variable or type.
10. void: declare
functions or data with no associated data type.
11. case: a
block of code in a switch statement.
12. else: alternate
case for an if statement.
13. int: declare
an integer variable.
14. static: create
permanent storage for a variable.
15. volatile: warn
the compiler about variables that can be modified unexpectedly
16. char: declare
a character variable.
17. enum: create
enumeration types
18. long: declare
a long integer variable.
19. struct: define
a new structure.
20. while: looping
21. const: declare
immutable data or functions that do not change data.
22. extern: tell
the compiler about variables defined elsewhere.
23. register: request
that a variable be optimized for speed.
24. switch: execute
code based off of different possible values for a variable.
25. continue: bypass
iterations of a loop.
26. float: declare
a floating-point variable.
27. return: return
from a function.
28. typedof : create
a new type name from an existing type.
29. for: looping
30. short: declare
a short integer variable.
31. union: a
structure that assigns multiple variables to the same memory location
32. default:
causes control to branch to one of a list of possible statements in the
block of statements.